Neal Stanford
The grass has stopped growing and the leaves and pine needles are falling along with the temperature. You may be wondering if you need to service your lawn mower or have someone service it for you. What all is involved? What are some things to look for? Can i do it myself? These are all questions you might ask yourself. Well, here at SunSouth, we want to try and help you answer some of those questions and give you some tips this winter to help make sure your riding lawn mower will be ready to run in tip top shape this spring. A few things to consider when deciding whether or not to service your riding lawn mower:
  1. Used oil has acids in the contaminants from the normal combustion process which will collect in the vital engine parts and damage them over the prolonged storage.
  2. It is critical to either run the machine completely out of gas or treat the fuel system with a gas stabilizer and DO NOT store a machine over the winter with Ethanol blended fuel in it.
  3. Greasing the machine prior to storage will keep moisture from collecting in the bearings and increase the service life.
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the deck and the entire machine will decrease the damage from rust and rodent’s likeliness to make a home in the machine
Here is a quick video from John Deere on how to service your riding lawn mower yourself. All you need is a few tools and a John Deere home maintenance kit, which you can pick up from your local SunSouth John Deere dealership.
