Abby Himburg
Harvest season has come to a close and winter is here. After a long successful harvest, it’s easy to just put away your cotton pick or hay baler and move on to planting winter grazing or whatever else you may be planting. Your equipment might not even be big farm equipment- it might just be a lawn mower and a weed eater. No matter the size, your equipment needs to be properly taken care of. Making the proper arrangements to prepare your equipment for winter can be a huge cost saver come spring. SunSouth offers a variety of inspections as well. Click here to see what inspections we offer and to schedule an appointment at your local SunSouth. But for the do-it-yourselfer, check out these great tips on how to properly prepare your equipment for winter.
Engine Maintenance 

Fuel tanks- You need to clean your fuel tank cap/vent and make sure the cap is in good working condition. Check your fuel filter and top off both the fuel and hydraulic tanks to eliminate condensation.

Lubricant- This is the most effective way to protect your equipment. Lubricating the engine with the correct engine oil protects the vital components of the engine. Always follow the equipment manufacturer’s lubricant and the recommended changing interval. You can always refer to the operator instruction book to find out what needs to be lubricated.

Air filter- Contaminated air is a common cause of premature engine failure. Therefore, inspect your air filtration system for any openings that could pull in unfiltered air. Make sure you always use the correct replacement filter for your equipment.
Body Maintenance 
Repairs- Harvest can be as strenuous on the equipment as it is on the farmer. Fix any damage that has occurred. If parts aren’t fixed, they might get worse or even rust. This also allows your equipment to be immediately ready for use come spring.

Clean- Harvest can leave significant dust and debris build up on your equipment. It is important to make sure your equipment is free of this build up before you store it for the winter.

Obviously if you have a space big enough to keep your equipment inside or under a roof, you should. If you don’t have this option, then you should cover it properly. Be sure to put a cloth over anything computerized for extra protection. Use waterproof products like wax to prevent rusting.

The close of harvest means many different things. It is a time for a little relaxation, time for preparation, and time for family as Christmas is fast approaching. Spring will come way too soon, and you need your equipment to be in the best working condition. By taking a few extra steps now, it can save you a whole lot of time and money come spring time. Use these great tips on how to properly prepare your equipment for winter.
