25 years of saying “Mom,” and yet it still holds a precious meaning that I have yet to understand. Three little letters that make up the title of someone who has done so much. Countless hours of discipline, joy, heartache, disappointment, teaching and yet soo much love that is never-ending. 

How do you do it? You’ve managed to raise 3 successful, hardworking, and strong-willed children- all while THRIVING in your successful career. There were times where I knew you felt like you just couldn’t keep going, but you did. You gave up countless hours of sleep and time when you could have been worrying about yourself, to worry about us.

Mom works hard- and not always in the light for everyone to take notice of. Some of the things she does and the sacrifices she makes aren’t always immediately seen. Like those clean socks that just keep reappearing in your drawer… or that grass that keeps getting cut. She moves through life filling in those cracks and crannies that sometimes tend to be overlooked- but not by her.

I could literally spend hours writing out how thankful I am for you and all the things you’ve done for me throughout the years, but I won’t because honestly, no one wants to read all that. We all have someone to be thankful for this Sunday. Whether it’s someone who is truly your mom, or someone who has been that motherly figure for you. 

So, this weekend, I hope you celebrate them. Take time to embrace her and all of her hard work.  Find a way to show her that you are genuinely appreciative of her. For me, that’s being outside with my mom. She enjoys working in her flower beds and spending time out by the pool- and that’s exactly what I plan on doing with her. 
