Fight the good fight! How many times have you heard this saying? Does it resonate with you right now? I’m sure it has at some point. But what are you fighting? What’s your good fight? What’s the reward of your fight?

This blog was inspired by one of my favorite accounts I follow on Facebook, Faith Farming and Family. If you don’t follow Caitlin Henderson, you are missing out. Caitlin shares the real and raw reality of faith, farming, and family.

Farmers fight the good fight day in and day out. As Caitlin says, “We fight the droughts and the floods, volatile markets and low commodity prices, the stresses and the long hours away from our families.” But for what? For a dollar? 

Farmers are a different breed of people. They don’t do the job for the dollar- they can’t because it’s too unpredictable. Farmers do it because they love it. They have a true passion for getting in that tractor, working the cows, or feeding the horses. Whatever type of farm operation they run- they want to fight that fight. They choose to every day, and it’s a good fight. They fight it for you and me. 

I know you’re wondering, what’s my good fight? I mean obviously, I have one for this to strike up a chord in me to write a blog about it. For now, it is fighting the chaos to find peace. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. Work, family, friends… just life. It can be busy- especially as we approach the busiest season. It can be frustrating. It’s truly exhausting some days. But what’s it worth at the end of the day? Choose to stop and find a little peace in it. Find a little bit of joy. That’s my good fight- for where I’m at in life right now.

So what’s your good fight? I challenge you to remember that someone is always fighting something. It might be a harder fight. It might be a scarier fight. It might even be a battle. But you’re never alone. There’s always a victory to be won. Celebrate the little victories. Embrace the peace. 
