We’re a few days away from the tastiest (in my opinion) holiday there is- Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, as well as Christmas is full of traditions for many families across the country and mine is no different. These traditions are so special to me and I hold them very close to my heart the older I get.

I wanted to share a few of our traditions with you and then also send you off with a couple delicious options if you’re still trying to decide what to take to that Friendsgiving or family Thanksgiving dinner. 

I come from a very food-oriented family. This may sound strange for some, but food is our love language (not exaggerating at all). Bonding for our family doesn’t happen around a board game or a movie, it happens in the kitchen over a pot, pan, or casserole dish. We even have a cookbook that goes back 4 editions- yeah, we love food. Therefore, when it comes to Thanksgiving, you better bring you’re A-game… or else your dish will be on the chopping block. Haha okay I’m kidding- slightly. You might catch some grief if it’s lacking in salt or flavor though. 

Our Thanksgiving traditions are very simple- MeMe (my mom’s mother) brings the dressing and dumplings, my uncle does the turkey, mom does the ham and cornbread, and everyone else picks a traditional side dish or dessert- sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, brown rice, peas, butter beans, carrot cake, pecan pie, caramel cake, etc. The thought of someone else making dumplings or dressing has never once crossed my mind in the 25 years I’ve been on this earth. It’s just our tradition and you don’t mess with tradition. 

So what am I bringing? What I’ve brought to Thanksgiving every year since I became of age to be responsible for a side dish- because ya know I love tradition. It’s a crowd favorite and my favorite. Some call it Brown Rice but I call it Dirty Rice. It’s super simple. I’ll put the direction to it down below.

The last tradition for us on Thanksgiving is to sit around and scour the newspaper ads and internet for the best Black Friday deals. 

Here’s some that I recommend:

Because of 2-day shipping:

Dirty Rice-

1 cup white rice 1 stick of butter
1 can beef consommé soup 1 can French onion soup
Place stick of butter in an 8x10 casserole dish and melt in an oven that has been preheated to 400°. Take the casserole dish out and all the remaining three ingredients. Place back in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes or until rice is done. The liquid should all be absorbed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

PS- Check out this photo I took a few years back of our Thanksgiving spread!
