Give Memories, Not Things 

 The older I get the shorter my Christmas “wish list” gets. Don’t get me wrong, I love receiving gifts as well as giving them. But “things” are just that… “things.” I can’t tell you what I got for Christmas last year or the year before, but I can tell you I went ice skating with my little cousin and sister 3 Christmas’s ago. Why do I remember that? Because it is such a fun memory full of laughter and joy. 

We’re two days away from Christmas and I’m sure you’ve already got the perfect gift picked out for each person- if not make a trip to your local SunSouth where we have something for everyone. But be sure to make the memories more importantly. Spend time with those are mean the most to you. Hop on the tractor and take the grandson who loves tractors for a ride. Help mom in the kitchen get all the food together. Take your cousin and sister ice skating. Just take time to slow down and enjoy each other’s company. The memories will last longer than the gifts will.
